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When the API returns false information...
Hi. This may be of some use to somebody debugging their app/s. After many months of things working nicely, the getSpeakerSettings function starting giving me false info. Some of the speakers were listed as not available, yet they were previously configured and still working. Here is a snippet of the output:
{ "candidate": [ { "isAvailable": true, "max": 10, "min": -10, "step": 0.5, "title": "Surround R", "titleTextID": "surroundRLevel", "value": "0.0" } ], "currentValue": "0.0", "deviceUIInfo": "picker", "isAvailable": false, "target": "surroundRLevel", "title": "Surround R", "titleTextID": "speaker-speakerlevel-surroundr", "type": "doubleNumberTarget" },
Note the
"isAvailable": false,
and the"currentValue": "0.0",
lines -- neither were correct.I couldn't see anything wrong in the receiver's setup menu. Nothing had been reconfigured recently. Eventually after a factory reset, it's back to normal:
{ "candidate": [ { "isAvailable": true, "max": 10, "min": -10, "step": 0.5, "title": "Surround R", "titleTextID": "surroundRLevel", "value": "-3.5" } ], "currentValue": "-3.5", "deviceUIInfo": "picker", "isAvailable": true, "target": "surroundRLevel", "title": "Surround R", "titleTextID": "speaker-speakerlevel-surroundr", "type": "doubleNumberTarget" },
I have had this AV receiver get into a weird state twice previously by powering it off at the wall (via a smart switch) before powering it off on the AVR itself. One time the Chromecast stopped working, and the other time the WiFi stopped working -- if I remember correctly. Both times solves with factory reset.
So I try to be careful to power off on the AVR before cutting the power to it. But maybe I need to wait a longer period after powering off (more than the 5 seconds it takes to tell Alexa to power it off at the wall)?
Anyhoo, if your receiver gets garbage info from the API out-of-the-blue, try a factory reset!
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