Upcoming maintenance
Dear Customers and Partners.
This website will be undergoing scheduled maintenance on June 14, 2023. Please be aware there may be disruption to the developer portal website and associated services during the scheduled maintenance period.
This upgrade is essential to ensure the continued performance, reliability, and security of Developer World.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Slow refresh rate streaming the camera preview to a display
I used the imageproc for rotation and found out that it automatically converts byte order, even if you set to no change. This was my code with rotation.
It took about 1-2ms.putreg32(1, ROT_INTR_ENABLE); putreg32(0, ROT_INTR_DISABLE); putreg32(hsize, ROT_SET_SRC_HSIZE); putreg32(vsize, ROT_SET_SRC_VSIZE); putreg32(CXD56_PHYSADDR(ibuf), ROT_SET_SRC_ADDRESS); putreg32(hsize, ROT_SET_SRC_PITCH); putreg32(CXD56_PHYSADDR(obuf), ROT_SET_DST_ADDRESS); putreg32(hsize, ROT_SET_DST_PITCH); putreg32(0, ROT_CONV_CTRL); // 0:NOCONVERT 1:YCBCR422_RGB565 2:RGB565_YCBCR422 putreg32(0, ROT_RGB_ALIGNMENT); // 0:RGB; 1:BGR putreg32(2, ROT_SET_DIRECTION); // No rotation Right 90 degrees Right 180 degrees Right 270 degrees putreg32(1, ROT_COMMAND); // start rotation
short addition.
Input and Output is different in my case. -