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Can't use a while loop after an if statement?
As weird as this sounds, my spresense terminates the program in Arduino after an if statement is met. Below is my code, where it waits until a value from my accelerometer is met to then play audio. However, in order to play this audio, we need to writeFrames in a loop. So, I used a while loop to do so. This while loop, defined in the function below as "plays()" works outside of the if statement. I'm at a loss, any thoughts?
#include <Adafruit_MPU6050.h> #include <Adafruit_Sensor.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <SDHCI.h> #include <Audio.h> Adafruit_MPU6050 mpu; int x = 0; int y = 0; int z = 0; SDClass theSD; AudioClass *theAudio; File myFile; bool go = true; bool ErrEnd = false; int counter = 0; static void audio_attention_cb(const ErrorAttentionParam *atprm) { puts("Attention!"); if (atprm->error_code >= AS_ATTENTION_CODE_WARNING) { ErrEnd = true; } } void plays() { while (go) { int err = theAudio->writeFrames(AudioClass::Player0, myFile); if (err == AUDIOLIB_ECODE_FILEEND) { Serial.println("File ended!\n"); go = false; } } } void setup(void) { Serial.begin(115200); // Try to initialize! if (!mpu.begin()) { Serial.println("Failed to find MPU6050 chip"); while (1) { delay(10); } } Serial.println("MPU6050 Found!"); mpu.setAccelerometerRange(MPU6050_RANGE_8_G); mpu.setGyroRange(MPU6050_RANGE_500_DEG); mpu.setFilterBandwidth(MPU6050_BAND_21_HZ); delay(100); while (!theSD.begin()) { Serial.println("Insert SD card."); } // start audio system theAudio = AudioClass::getInstance(); theAudio->begin(audio_attention_cb); puts("initialization Audio Library"); theAudio->setRenderingClockMode(AS_CLKMODE_NORMAL); theAudio->setPlayerMode(AS_SETPLAYER_OUTPUTDEVICE_SPHP, AS_SP_DRV_MODE_LINEOUT); err_t err = theAudio->initPlayer(AudioClass::Player0, AS_CODECTYPE_MP3, "/mnt/sd0/BIN", AS_SAMPLINGRATE_AUTO, AS_CHANNEL_MONO); if (err != AUDIOLIB_ECODE_OK) { printf("Player0 initialize error\n"); exit(1); } myFile = theSD.open("ask_help.mp3"); if (!myFile) { printf("File open error\n"); exit(1); } printf("Open! 0x%08lx\n", (uint32_t)myFile); err = theAudio->writeFrames(AudioClass::Player0, myFile); theAudio->setVolume(120); theAudio->startPlayer(AudioClass::Player0); } void loop() { sensors_event_t a, g, temp; mpu.getEvent(&a, &g, &temp); x = g.gyro.x; y = g.gyro.y; z = g.gyro.z; // Serial.print("Rotation X: "); // Serial.print(x); // Serial.print(", Y: "); // Serial.print(y); // Serial.print(", Z: "); // Serial.print(z); // Serial.println(" rad/s"); if(x >= 8 || x <= -8){ Serial.println("plays!"); //plays(); } myFile.close(); myFile = theSD.open("ask_help.mp3"); go = true; }
Do you mean that if the loop function is like below then the program works?
(plays() outside if statement)void loop() {
sensors_event_t a, g, temp;
mpu.getEvent(&a, &g, &temp);x = g.gyro.x;
y = g.gyro.y;
z = g.gyro.z;plays();
myFile = theSD.open("ask_help.mp3");
go = true;