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ML model on spresesnse
I want to run a pytorch model on spresnese, can anyone please suggest a tutorial to do the same.Though i have tried it using ONXX and converting the model into tflite. I want to know a optimized method to be able to print the output of the model on serial or LCD.
for now I can print model's output in minicom, but i want the output to be displayed on a arduino IDE.
I have been following https://developer.sony.com/develop/spresense/docs/sdk_tutorials_en.html#_tensorflow_tutorials
Thanks and regards,
Nihal -
I will look into this question more but I was wondering if the Edge Impulse tool can help you with this. Spresense is supported on the Edge Impulse tool, please check this link here: https://docs.edgeimpulse.com/docs/development-platforms/officially-supported-mcu-targets/sony-spresense