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ESP8266 wi-fi access with Spresense
Hello everyone,
I have been attempting to add wi-fi access to my project using an esp8266 module but have run into a few issues and I am hoping that someone can help me get my wi-fi up and running.
Here is my current setup:
- I have the Spresense board with extension board attached
- I am using this esp8266 module: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01EA3UJJ4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
- I have followed the instructions on the Spresense page for adding wi-fi here : https://developer.sony.com/develop/spresense/tutorials-sample-projects/spresense-tutorials/how-to-equip-spresense-with-wifi-connectivity
Here is what I have tried :
- I have used the example ConnectWifi sketch from the ITEADLIB_Aduino_WeeESP8266 library : https://github.com/kamtom480/ITEADLIB_Arduino_WeeESP8266/blob/master/examples/ConnectWiFi/ConnectWiFi.ino
- This sketch is not able to get the the wifi version or run the setOprToStation command
- I have used a wireless adapter board to run AT commands, but nothing comes back from the serial monitor : https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07KF119YB/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
- I have used the wireless adaptor to flash NodeMCU firmware as well as the ai-thinker firmware from espressif, but still no AT commands and no wi-fi through the spresense board
- I have tried esplorer using the wireless adapter which cannot establish a connection
Things I have learned:
- When you connect the extension board to the main board you have to update your wiring so that the ground and power come from the extension board
- Cables matter. Best to use a data cable for connecting the device to the computer
Has anyone had any success getting an esp8226 wi-fi module to work?
Don't know if this helps but have you looked at this https://www.hackster.io/pjdecarlo/talking-web-radio-with-esp8266-and-sony-spresense-b04e02 ?
Hi @david,
Thanks for the response!!
Actually it looks like this developer is saying that the ESP8266-01 won't work with Spresense so he had to use the AdaFruit Feather. I can confirm that I have been able to get my ESP8266-01 module working at one point with Spresense, but for some reason it has completely stopped working. I wonder if my module is damaged somehow even though I am able to connect my module using an adapter board and run simple commands like blinking the lights.